About Us

Sat Sri Akaal!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!

Welcome to NirmolakHeera.com!

Thank you for visiting our website and taking the time to explore our products. We truly appreciate each and every one of you for being a part of our journey.

Many of you are familiar faces to us, and we're grateful for your continued support. 🙈

Our story began a decade ago when we noticed a lack of keertan resources online. With Guru Sahib's kirpa, www.NirmolakHeera.com has evolved over the years to become a hub for keertan videos and MP3s, offering the sangat a platform to download and enjoy these spiritual treasures.

As parents of two young boys, we understand the importance of hands-on learning materials that foster a deeper understanding of Sikhi and the Punjabi language. Faced with a limited selection, we took matters into our own hands and designed our own educational products.

We are passionate about innovating and creating new ideas, products, and games that not only engage our sons but also inspire other families on their learning journey. Our hope is that these resources will ignite a love for Punjabi and Sikhi in your children as well.

Our ultimate goal is to empower parents to teach their kids Punjabi confidently, enabling them to communicate with their grandparents (dadi, dada, nana, nani, bibi, baba) in their native language. We believe that with consistent exposure and practice, these young learners will grow to read and understand paath with confidence.

We are committed to providing high-quality, Montessori-inspired learning-through-play products that make Punjabi and Sikhi education accessible and enjoyable for all children.

Thank you once again for your support and trust in our mission. Together, let's nurture the next generation with the rich traditions of Punjabi and Sikhi culture!


What is Montessori, Learning through Play or Hands on Learning?

Montessori education is a unique approach that focuses on fostering independence, encouraging freedom within boundaries, and respecting a child's natural psychological, physical, and social development.

Often referred to as "Learning through Play" or "Hands-on Learning," this method was pioneered by the Italian physician and educator, Maria Montessori.

By engaging children in multi-sensory learning experiences, they are more likely to retain knowledge and develop a lasting understanding of the concepts they encounter.


Our Values

As we continue on this journey, maintaining our commitment to our values is paramount. In line with this, we make the following pledges to you:

  • All our toys will adhere to the UK and Europe's Toy Safety Standards through rigorous EN71 testing.
  • We will prioritise environmental sustainability by using recyclable and reusable materials in our products.
  • Our pricing will be competitive, matching similar products from leading UK toy retailers offering ABC and English equivalents.


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